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9-11 - Unit 1 Extra Credit

-E.C.: Contacting Congress. Due by Monday September 18

"Contacting Congress”

Voting is often the means that many people use to participate
in a political manner in our society.
While the use of suffrage rights is vital to the success of a democracy,
there are many more means of political expression that can be used to be an
active citizen. One of these methods is
through contacting a government official.
So…let’s endeavor into actually taking the time to contact a
representative. Will he/she
respond? Will it be a meaningful
response? Time will tell….

    1. Find the e-mail address of one of your Ohio
      Senators (Sherrod Brown or Rob Portman), or your United States
      Representative (David Joyce) Construct an e-mail letter that details your
      opinion about one political issue on the national/international
      level. Remind yourself that to be
      taken seriously, you must present yourself seriously. Don’t just spit out random opinions! Research data to support your
      opinions. Citations!

    2. You will be turning in a copy of your e-mail to


The potential exists for return
correspondence. If, and when that return
response comes back to you, be sure to bring that correspondence in for
discussion and analysis.]

*If you would rather contact a local
or state government official, feel free to do that. Be sure that the content of your letter
focuses on a local/state issue.

** If you would rather send a
“letter to the editor” about a local/state/national

issue, feel free to do that. Be sure that the content of your letter
focuses on a local/state/national issue.

Attachments Available To Download:
Unit 1 - Extra Credit - Contacting Congress2.doc