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An Update from Superintendent Keith Kelly - Athletics and Extracurricular activities

August 1, 2020 

Dear Mayfield Students, Parents, Guardians and Staff, 

Regarding athletics and extracurriculars only.  

Yesterday, the Ohio Department of Health issued an order allowing for the continuation of fall practices (click attached file). 
Per our district legal counsel the ODH order supersedes the recommendation  of the County Board of Health with respect to athletics and extracurriculars only. Therefore, all practices will resume. 
You will receive more information from Keith Leffler and the coaches.
As I have said all along, my decisions are guided by the health experts, not public opinion. Please know this latest order from the Ohio Department of Health may rescinded. It is also possible that the Governor and/or the OHSAA will mandate/recommend another suspension. Please talk to your athletes about the fluidity of this circumstance and prepare them for another possible suspension. 
It is also important to note that resuming practices does not guarantee seasons will take place.  
Here is a summary of the DOH order.  

=        Non-contact and contact sports may practice. Non-contact sports (golf, tennis, volleyball, cross country) may compete against other teams.

=        If there is a season, contact sports (football, soccer) cannot compete against other teams unless all players, coaches, trainers, and support personnel receive negative COVID tests 72 hours prior to competition. One negative test in the group prevents that team from competing.

=        Note: The OHSAA is not allowing scrimmages at this time. 

=        Spectators are not permitted at contact sporting events.

=        This order expires if the Governor declares the State of Emergency is over or the order is rescinded by the ODH.

=        The rest of the order outlines necessary preventive steps that have been in place for the past month.

 You should also know this: If there were to be a fall season, I estimate that in order to run a full schedule of football and boys/girls soccer, there would be  $240,000-$250,000 in COVID-19 testing costs at $150 a test. We have yet to determine how these fees will be paid. 

There have been many rumors that the Western Reserve Conference is attempting to cancel the fall season because Mayfield may not be able to participate. This is false. We voted "NO" to shut down the season last week before the Cuyahoga County Board of Health put out their recommendation and will vote no again this week. 
Respectfully, participating in practices and activities involving athletics and extracurriculars is a choice. If you are concerned about your student practicing or participating and choose not to participate - we respect your decision. 

Be well. 

Keith Kelly, Superintendent