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Center School Association

Center School Association

Welcome to Center School Association (CSA)! 

Center Elementary School’s Parent-Teacher Group

Our purpose is to make a positive, safe, and caring environment for the children. By providing FUN programs, fundraising and community involvement, we strive to make Center the BEST elementary school for all of our students.

WHAT does CSA do?
CSA sponsors numerous fun programs, events, and fundraisers for Center students and their families to enjoy throughout the school year

o Funds raised in prior years have purchased:

  • New basketball hoops and playground equipment
  • New speaker system in the gym
  • Many other small items that the school needs but are not covered by school funding
  • Provided flexible seating for various classrooms

WHO can join?
 o Any family member or guardian of a Center Elementary School student is welcome at any meeting or event at any time!

WHY should you get involved in CSA?

o CSA keeps you informed and gives you a voice in your student’s school experience.

o Students thrive when their parents are involved in their school!

o CSA is a great way to meet other families if you are new to the school or community!


o Isn’t CSA just all about fundraising? 

No! Fundraising is, of course, a necessary component of CSA due to the simple fact that school budgets cannot provide for everything we need to make Center great for our students. However, there are many fun activities subsidized by CSA for the sole purpose of creating a sense of community, school spirit, and having fun!

o Does CSA require a large time commitment? 

No! You choose your involvement level – whether it is attending a meeting, volunteering for an event, being part of the planning process, etc. Every little bit helps!

o If I just want to volunteer my time but not attend CSA meetings – can I do that? 

Yes! Any and all help is always welcome and greatly appreciated!

o Is there a way to stay informed even if I can’t go to the meetings? 

Yes! You can ALWAYS check the Mayfield Schools website for school updates. Also, please "like" our Facebook page - Mayfield Center Elementary CSA! CSA updates are also in each Cyclone Central newsletter. Any questions, comments or suggestions are always welcome at [email protected] or in the CSA mailbox at the front of the school.

Please get involved! We can’t do this without YOU!


Committee Chairs

Fundraisers/ Events

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