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Plan for the week of 9-6-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly vocabulary that has to do with the house/apartment and all it contains. They will also use correctly and speak with fluency ordinal numbers and the verbs SER and ESTAR.

For Wednesday, please complete p. 197 and 203 in the workbook.
For Thursday, please complete pages 198 and 204 in the workbook.
For Monday, 9-12, please complete pages 199 and 205 in the workbook.
On Wednesday, 9-14, there will be a 30 point quiz over the top column of words on page 267 in the text, as well as using correctly Ordinal Numbers (first, second, etc.). 

Objectives for the week of 9-12-16

On Wednesday, 9-14, there will be a 30 point quiz over the top column of words on page 267 in the text, as well as using correctly Ordinal Numbers (first, second, etc.).
For Thursday, 9-15, please complete pages 200 and 201 in the workbook. 
Have a WONDERFUL week!!

Objectives for the week of 9-19-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the uses of Ser vs. Estar, ordinal numbers, and all vocabulary that has to do with the house.

For Tuesday, 9-20, please answer numbers 1-9 on the Ser vs. Estar worksheet.  
 For Thursday, 9-22, please answer numbers 10-18 on the Ser vs. Estar worksheet.  


There will be a 60 point test over ALL vocabulary and grammar in Unit 5-1 on Friday, 9-23. Please make sure to study a little every day in preparation for this test.  

Objectives for the week of 9-26-16 and 10-3-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the uses of irregular verbs, commands, and saying what they have just done using "acabar de". They will also use correctly vocabulary that has to do with the having a party. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language. 
For Wednesday, 9-28, please complete pages 220 and 223 in your workbook.
For Thursday, 9-29, please complete pages 221 and 224 in your workbook. 
For Tuesday, 10-4, please complete pages 222 and 225 in your workbook.
On Thursday, 10-6, there will be a 30 point quiz over the following irregular verbs: decir, venir, dar, poner, salir and traer, as well as the vocabulary in the "Chores and Responsibilites" section of the vocabulary list. 
Have a great week!

Objectives for the week of 10-10-16 and 10-17-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the uses of irregular verbs, commands, and saying what they have just done using "acabar de". They will also use correctly vocabulary that has to do with the having a party. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
For Tuesday, 10-11, please complete page 227 in your workbook.
For Thursday, 10-13, please complete pages 228 and 235 in your workbook.
For Monday, 10-17, please complete page 236 in your workbook.
On Tuesday, 10-18, there will be a Unit 5 test over the following: the irregular verbs decir, venir, dar, poner, salir and traer; informal commands; using acabar de, deber, tener que and hay que when talking about what must and should be done;  as well as all vocabulary in the Unit 5-2 list.
There will be a speaking test over units 5-1 and 5-2 on Wednesday, 10-19. Make sure to be able to answer all the questions on these 2 sheets.  
Have a great week!

Objectives for the week of 10-25-16 and 10-31-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the verbs "jugar", "saber" and "conocer". They will also use correctly vocabulary that has to do with sports and sporting events. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a 40 point Verbal Test on Wednesday, 10-26. You will need to know how to answer the questions on both the 5-1 and 5-2 question sheets. Please study this little by little.
For Thursday, 10-27, please complete pages 246 and 252 in your workbook.
For Friday, 10-28, please complete page 247 and 253 in your workbook.
There will be a 20 point quiz over the verb JUGAR and the vocabulary words in the categories SPORTS and  SPORTS EQUIPMENT on Wednesday, November 2. Make sure to study a little every day.
The Unit 6-1 Test will take place on Wednesday, November 9. Make sure to know all vocabulary and how to conjugate and use correctly the verbs jugar and saber vs. conocer. This test will be worth 55 points. 
Have a great week!!

Objectives for the week of 11-7-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the verbs "jugar", "saber" and "conocer". They will also use correctly vocabulary that has to do with sports and sporting events. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a 55 point Test on Wednesday, 11-9. You will need to know how to use the verbs jugar, saber and conocer correctly on it. You'll also need to know ALL vocabulary found on the Unit 6-1 vocabulary sheet that was given to you 3 weeks ago.
For Monday, 11-7, please complete the saber vs. conocer practice quiz that was given in class on November 4.
Have a great week!!

Objectives for the week of 11-14-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the preterite (past) tense. They will also use correctly vocabulary that has to activities that we do to stay healthy. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a 35 point quiz on Thursday,, 11-17. You will need to know how to conjugate AR verbs in the preterite tense. You'll also need to know "Talk about staying healthy"and "Parts of the body" on the Unit 6-2 vocabulary sheet. 
********Note that this quiz has been changed to Monday, November 21***********
For Monday, 11-14, please complete pages 270 and 273 in your workbook. 
Please be aware that the Unit 6 Test (Covering both 6-1 and 6-2) will take place Thursday, December 1 (listening and essay) and Friday, December 2 (vocabulary and grammar). This test will be worth approximately 80 points).
Have a great week!!

Objectives for the weeks of 11-21 and 11-28-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the preterite (past) tense. They will also use correctly vocabulary that has to activities that we do to stay healthy. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
For Tuesday, 11-29, please fill your conjugation sheet with the following verbs in the PRETERITE tense: llevar, llegar, andar, caminar, descansar, bucear...then, conjugate the following irregular preterite tense verbs...jugar, pagar, sacar, practicar, empezar, almorzar. Remember that these are irregular in the yo form.  
There will be an 80 point Unit 6 Test (Covering both 6-1 and 6-2) on Thursday, December 1 (listening and essay) and Friday, December 2 (vocabulary and grammar). This test will be worth approximately 80 points).
Have a great week!!

Answers to 6-2 questions


1. Para caminar, uso las piernas y los pies; para comer, uso las manos y el estómago; para ver, uso los ojos; para escribir, uso las manos; para bucear, uso las manos; para dibujar, uso las manos…

2. Voy al consultorio cuando estoy herido/a.

3. Me duelen las manos cuando corro; me duele la piel cuando tomo el sol; me duelen los ojos cuando leo; me duele el estómago cuando como demasiado.

4. Caminé con mi perro y hablé con mi familia este fin de semana.

5. Anoche, cenamos y miramos television.

6. El partido de Los Browns terminó cuando empezó.

7. Las conferencias terminaron a las nueve y media.

8. Compré los pantalones en la tienda ayer.

9. No alquilé ningún DVD.

10. Hablé por teléfono con mis amigos.

11. Alquilé un libro en la biblioteca.

12. Comimos una buena comida en la cafeteria (LOL).

13. Miré el fútbol americano anoche.

14. Compramos la ropa en el centro commercial.

15. Me duelen las piernas.

16. Llevamos la ropa elegante para la fiesta del Día de Gracias.

17. No jugué ningún deporte el sábado.

18. No toque el piano.

19. Mi padre pagó la cuenta…no la pagué.

20. Llegué a la casa de mi amigo a las seis.

Objectives for the weeks of 12-5 and 12-12-16

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the preterite (past) tense and Affirmative and Negative Words. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals with Technology. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be no more written homework assigned for the rest of the semester...
There will be a 40 point Oral Test over Units 6-1 and 6-2 on Tuesday, December 6.
There will be a 30 point Unit 7-1 Quiz that will cover "Talk about Technology", The Preterite Tense of ER and IR verbs, and the use of Affirmative and Negative Words on Tuesday, December 13. This will be the last grade of the 1st Semester.
Have a great week, and I wish you the best on all of your final exams.

Objectives for the weeks of 1-4 and 1-9-17

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the preterite (past) tense of the verbs hacer, ir and ser. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals places of interest. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
For Thursday, 1-5 please complete pages 318 and 321 in the workbook.
For Friday, 1-6, please complete pages 319 and 322 in the workbook.
For Tuesday, 1-10, please complete pages 320 and 323 in the workbook.
For Friday, 1-12, please complete page 325 in the workbook. 
There will be a 30 point Unit 7-1 Quiz that will cover  AT THE AMUSEMENT PARK, PLACES OF INTEREST, as well as The Preterite Tense of Ir, Ser, and Hacer. This test will take place Tuesday, January 10.

Objectives for the weeks of 1=17 and 1-23-17

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the preterite (past) tense of the verbs hacer, ir and ser. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals places of interest and with being able to communicate on the telephone. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a 60 point Unit 7-2 test on Wednesday, 1-25. Make sure to know ALL vocabulary, how to use pronouns after prepositions, and and preterite tense of the verbs ir/ser, hacer, tener, ver and dar.
There will be a 40 point oral test over ALL questions from Units 7-1 and 7-2 on Thursday, 1-26.
Your 40 point Telephone Conversation (with a partner) is due Friday, 1-27. Make sure you are ready to present in class or you bring in a flash drive with your video.  

Objectives for the weeks of 1-30 and 2-6-17

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the preterite (past) tense of the verbs hacer, ir and ser. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals places of interest and with being able to communicate on the telephone. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a 40 point Oral Test over Unit 7-2 on Wednesday, February 1.
 For Friday, 2-3, please complete pages 344 and 346 in the workbook.
For Tuesday, 2-7, please complete pages 345 and 347 in the workbook.
For Wednesday, 2-8, please complete pages 346 and 348 in the workbook.
On Friday, 2-10, there will be a 45 point quiz over Talk About a Daily Routine", as well as being able to know how to conjugate these verbs correctly. Example: I was my hands- Me lavo las manos.
Have a great 2 weeks!!!

Objectives for the weeks of 2-13 and 2-21

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the reflexive verbs and the present progressive in Spanish. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals with daily routines. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
For Monday, 2-13, please complete page 350 in the workbook.
For Tuesday, 2-14, please complete pages 351 in the workbook.
For Wednesday, 2-15, please complete pages 352 in the workbook.
On Thursday, 2-16, there will be a 45 point quiz over "Talk about grooming", as well as being able to know how to use these words with the reflexive pronouns in the present progressive tense. Example: I am washing my hands- Me estoy lavando las manos or Estoy lavandome las manos.
For Wednesday, 2-22, please complete page 358 in the workbook.
For Thursday, 2-23, please complete page 359 in the workbook.
On Monday, 2-27, you will turn in (via flash drive, email or youtube (made private) a video of yourself getting ready for school, using the vococabulary that we're currently learning. Make sure to follow the instructions that I gave you in class.  
Have a great 2 weeks!!!

Objectives for the weeks of 2-27 and 3-6-17

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the reflexive verbs and the present progressive in Spanish. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals with daily routines. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
On Monday, 2-27, you will turn in (via flash drive, email or youtube (made private) a video of yourself getting ready for school, using the vococabulary that we're currently learning. Make sure to follow the instructions that I gave you in class.
There will be a Unit 8-1 vocabulary, grammar, essay and listening comprehension test Wednesday, 3-1 and Thursday, 3-2. This test will be worth approximately 100 points.
For Tuesday, 3-7, please complete pages 1, 2 and 3 of the packet that I gave to you in class, and for Wednesday, 3-8, please finish this packet.  
Have a great 2 weeks!!!

Objectives for the weeks of 3-13 and 3-20, 2017

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals with travel and vacations. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a quiz over Unit 1-1 vocabulary (Discuss Travel Preparations) and Grammar (Direct Object Pronouns) on Monday, March 20. This quiz will be worth approximately 40 points.
For Tuesday, 3-14, please complete pages 1 and 4 in the new (yellow) workbook.
For Wednesday, 3-15,  please complete pages 2 and 5 in the workbook.
For Thursday,  3-16, please complete pages 3 and 6 in the workbook.
For Tuesday, 3-21, please complete the IOP worksheet given to you in class.
 For Wednesday, 3-22, please complete the IOP worksheet given to you in class.
  For Thursday, 3-23, please complete the Double Object Pronoun Worksheet worksheet given to you in class.
Have a great 2 weeks!!!

Objectives for the weeks of 4-3 and 4-10

This week, the students will master and use correctly in written and spoken Spanish the use of the direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish. They will also use correctly vocabulary that deals with travel and vacations. Finally, they will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers and speak with increased fluency the Spanish language.
There will be a quiz over Unit 1-1 vocabulary (ALL WORDS) and the use of direct and indirect object pronounds, as well as double object pronouns. 
For Tuesday, 4-4, please complete the IOP review sheet given in class today.
For Thursday, 4-6, please complete #'s 3-8 of the double object pronoun sheet given to you in class. 
For Friday, 4-7, please complete #'s 9-15 of the double object pronoun worksheet given to you in class. 
There will be a 45 Unit 1-1 Test given on Tuesday, April 11.
Have a great 2 weeks!!!

Objectives for the weeks of 4-18 and 4-24

During these two weeks, the students will master vocabulary that has to do with travel and vacations; they'll master the regular preterite tense -AR verbs, as well as 6 irregular preterite tense verbs. Most importnantly, the students will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers, as well as speak fluent Spanish.
For Tuesday, 4-18, please complete pages 24 and 25 in the workbook.
For Wednesday, 4-19, please complete pages 26 and 27 in the workbook.
For Thursday, 4-20, please complete pages 28 and 29 in the workbook.
For Monday, 4-24, please complete pages  30 and 31 in the workbook.
For Wednesday, 4-26, please complete page 32 in the workbook.
There will be a 30 point quiz on Tuesday, 4-25 over "Going on Vacation" from the Unit 1-2 vocabulary list, as well as the Regular -AR preterite tense verbs (e, aste, o, amos, aron).
Have a great 2 weeks!!! 

Objectives for the weeks of 5-1, 5-8 and 5-15

During these two weeks, the students will master vocabulary that has to do with sports and sporting events, as well as -ER preterite tense verbs, and demonstrative adjectives. Most importnantly, the students will listen with increased comprehension to Spanish spoken by native speakers, as well as speak fluent Spanish.
For Monday, 5-1, please complete pages 38 and 39 in the workbook.

There will be a 40 point Oral Test on Tuesday, 5-2 over the question sheets for BOTH Unit 1-1 and 1-2. Make sure that you know how to answer all of these questions.
There will be a 20 point listening comprehension test and a 30 point essay on Wednesday, May 3. These tests will cover both Units 1-1 and 1-2. 
There will be a 50 point vocabulary test Thursday, 5-4 over BOTH units 1-1 and 1-2. 
For Tuesday, 5-9, please complete wb. pages 50 and 51.
For Wednesday, 5-10, please complete wb. pages 52 and 56.
For Thursday, 5-11, please complete wb. pages 56 and 58. 
For Frdiay, 5-12, please complete wb. pages 54 and 55. 
For Monday, 5-15, please complete wb. pages 65 and 66.  
There will be 45 point Unit 2-1 test over all vocabulary and grammar (demonstrative adjectives and Preterite -ER verbs) on Wednesday, 5-17. 
Have a great LAST 3 weeks of the school year!!!

Summer work schedule...

We just finished an EXCELLENT class...
THE NEXT SESSION will be Monday, July 10 at 11:30 AM in room 205, and the one after will take place Tuesday, July 18 at 11:00 AM. I hope to be able to help you increase your fluency over the summer...please consider coming to these sessions.
Please consider coming to join me as we build your foundation and fluency one day at a time =)
I wish you the BEST summer of your life =)
Sr. Turk
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