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Español 2


Course Description:
This course is to continue building the student’s command of the Spanish language beginning with complete sentences and short paragraphs and then building up to extended paragraphs with that describe the point being made in the present and past tenses at an intermediate proficiency.



Click on the following link to open the lesson plan and resources through Schoology :












 Website Links
 Ensayo: Mid-Term  ¡En Español!

Unidad 5

Write a description of an ideal party.

Include the following information:

= Who is giving the party and where

= What furniture and decorations there are

= Who the guests are

= The activities people are doing

= Tell people what to do

= Say what they just did

Unidad 6

Write a paragraph describing three athletes.

You can choose professional athletes or athletes in your school.

Include the following information:

= What sports they play

= What teams they play for

= Where they play

= What makes them good athletes

= What they do to stay healthy

= Include what they did in the past

= Include what hurts after exercising





 Final Exam Translation Practice

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