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Melissa Gamiere
School Counselor
Millridge Elementary School

Bachelor of Arts - Ohio University
Masters of Education - Cleveland State University
Hello! My name is Melissa Gamiere and I am the School Counselor at Millridge Elementary School. I am very excited to be in this position, working so closely with our students and families. I love being a School Counselor because I have the opportunity to positively interact with so many students, families and staff members.

By working closely with parents, students, staff and community agencies, I can help students be successful both in and out of school. I support students by helping them learn coping skills, resiliency, how to deal with feelings and making healthy choices, which are all positive tools that will benefit students in the future.

As a School Counselor, I meet with students individually on a short-term or crisis basis when they are experiencing difficulties at school or at home. I also meet with students in small groups covering various topics (family change, grief and loss, friendship and peer relations, etc.). Additionally, I teach classroom guidance lessons on a variety of topics that have been chosen based on the needs of our school and district. I hope to continue to build on the positive program opportunities offered at Millridge and always welcome suggestions.
Communication between home and school is imperative in helping our students be successful, and I encourage e-mails and phone calls from parents/guardians regarding any concerns or questions. If you would like to set up an appointment to meet with me, please e-mail or call.  I look forward to working with you and our staff to help build positive futures for all of our students at Millridge Elementary.


Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is a safe, light-hearted, comfortable place for children to share their thoughts and concerns about the issues they are dealing with. Lunch  Bunch is held once a week for 6 weeks in the guidance office with same aged peers experiencing a common situation. In order for students to  participate, a permission slip must be signed and returned. Students can pick up permission slips from Mrs. Gamiere's room or you can print a copy using the link below.  
The first Lunch Bunch of the year is for New Students to Millridge.  I will meet with all new students during the first few weeks of school to introduce myself and help with the adjustment to our school building.  I will answer questions and help facilitate new friendships among students.  We will celebrate at the end with a pizza party!
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