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Adult Volunteer Services

Adult Volunteer Services

Contact:  Laurie Uhlir: 440-995-7222
Residents are Welcome to Become Involved with our Schools 
Mayfield City Schools welcomes local residents and businesses, including our senior adults, to share their time and skills in becoming a part of Mayfield Schools. We promote this collaboration because it contributes to the health of our community while enriching the educational experiences of our students. We strive to match your interests and expectations with the needs of the school. Some volunteer positions require a weekly commitment to provide consistency in the school environment, while other positions last only as long as the project requires. If you have a special background, skill, or interest, we may be able to customize a volunteer position especially for you. New volunteers are first required to meet with the Adult Volunteer Coordinator. Please consider contacting us to hear more about our volunteer program.

Here are some of the available volunteer opportunities...
 Classroom and Office Positions:
  • Clerical positions in offices and libraries on a weekly or as-needed basis
  • Remedial and enrichment tutors in English, reading, math and science
  • Teacher helpers in preschool and elementary classrooms
  • Tutors to help foreign-born elementary students improve their English skills
Science Olympiad Coaches:
  • Coaches are needed to instruct small groups of elementary, middle and high school students to prepare for the Science Olympiad regional competition in subject areas including airplanes, amphibians and reptiles, astronomy, bridges, bugs, catapults, chemistry, circuits, computations, diseases, ecology, food chemistry, forensics, genetics, health science, metrics, physics, robots, rocks and minerals, weather, and more. Weekly sessions typically begin in November and end in February.
Basic Aid Training Instructors:
  • Individuals with a health or medical background are needed to teach the American Red Cross “Together We Prepare/Basic Aid Training” program to 4 th graders. Training and instructor materials are provided. This program is taught once a week in the spring for approximately 6 weeks. Each weekly lesson lasts approximately forty-five minutes.
CPR Instructors:
  • Individuals certified in CPR instruction are needed to assist 10 th graders with learning CPR. Help is needed during several days in December and then again in May.
Art Docent Program:
  • Individuals with an interest in art are needed to teach basic art appreciation to Kindergarten through 3 rd graders. Training and instructor materials are provided. Each docent is assigned one classroom and presents a monthly lesson during the months of January through May, for a total of 5 lessons. Each monthly lesson lasts approximately forty-five minutes.
History Docent Program:
  • Individuals in their 60's, 70's or 80's with a recollection of interesting facts related to their school days, including the school building, classroom, supplies and books, teachers, classmates, transportation, etc., are being sought to help collect information for our new historical program to be taught to 5 th graders.
Home Economic Helpers:
  • Individuals with hand-sewing skills are needed to provide one-on-one assistance to middle school students who are learning to sew for the first time. Assistance is also needed with preparing and organizing class supplies.
Foreign Language Tutors:
  • Tutors are needed to help our high school English-speaking students improve their skills in Spanish, Italian, German and French.
Special Olympics Volleyball Coach:
  • A volleyball coach is needed for our Special Olympics volleyball team. The season is March thru the first week of May. Practices are held on Saturday mornings, 9:30 – 11:00 A.M. at Millridge Elementary School . The regional tournament is held the first week of May.
Local Business Opportunities:
  • Businesses are needed to host and motivate middle school students in math and science, possibly in the form of a tour and sharing with professionals in these fields.
  • Businesses are needed to host Career Shadow days for high school sophomores and juniors.
Sewing Enthusiasts:
  • Individuals with machine and/or hand-sewing skills are welcome to join the ABC Quilters, a group of senior adult women who meet weekly with 5th graders from Center Elementary School to design and sew small quilts that are donated to local charities. The quilts are sewn by machine using straight stitching. Sewers may come to the Mayfield Village Community Center during program time with the students, or may choose to have the unfinished quilts delivered to their homes to sew at their own convenience. The ABC Quilters also accept donations of 100% cotton fabric to be used for the quilts.
After-School Club Leaders:
  • Individuals are needed to lead a small group of 6 th and 7 th graders in starting an after-school club in any of the following areas of interest: baseball card collecting, chess, board games, stamp collecting, and square/contra dancing. Please let us know if you have another interest that would lend itself as an after-school activity.
Speakers' Bureau:
  • Occasionally we are asked to find a speaker in a particular topic area to address a class that is studying that subject. Please let us know if we may add your name to our Speakers' Bureau list.
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