To help prevent the spread of communicable disease in our schools, it is important that all parent/guardians adhere to the following guidelines:
PROMOTE HANDWASHING in your family. It is the single best way to prevent the spread of disease.
Keep your child home from school and extracurricular activities if any of the following should occur:
o Vomiting within the previous 24 hours – even if they are “feeling better”
o Diarrhea within the previous 24 hours – even if they are “feeling better”
o Temperature of 100° or higher within the previous 24 hours (do not administer medication to reduce/prevent fever and send the child to school)
o Awaiting 24-hour throat culture for “strep” – regardless of a negative rapid test
o Positive rapid “strep” test or throat culture (the student may return to school 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics)
o Any symptoms of a new illness such as a persistent cough, runny nose with body aches, severe ear pain, oozing rash or rash of unknown cause
o Conjunctivitis – red, itching, draining eye/s – requires a physician note or 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and no longer draining
o Lice or nits in the hair
Your child should look and feel back-to-normal for 24 hours before returning to school. WHY???
o To protect your child from exposure to more infection before he is able to build resistance.
o To protect other children and school staff from communicable diseases that your child may transmit.
If you work during the day, please make plans in advance for who will care for your child if he/she is sick and needs to stay home or who will pick him up should he become ill while at school.
Thank you from all the Mayfield staff for respecting the above guidelines so we can minimize contagious illnesses in our schools!