Mayfield City Schools News Article


MaryAnn Sparks was the quintessential old school teacher. Nothing made her happier than to see her students cross their T’s, dot their I’s, and end their sentences with punctuation. And that’s why we are here. At life’s end, MaryAnn made sure everything was properly in place, especially when it came to her beloved Mayfield Education Association, which she proudly and loyally served for many years.
MaryAnn was a person who could be found in everyone’s corner. Her position as an MEA rep extended beyond contractual support, be it for professional or personal guidance. She poured her heart, soul, and endless time into negotiating numerous contracts that ensured what was most beneficial for the members.
Peers and friends affectionately called her “Sparky” reflecting her high energy, quick wit, passionate personality and that red hair! Her passion for Mayfield was evident when she attended every Friday night football game, ringing her classroom bell in support, which continued well into her retirement.
Today, we share MaryAnn’s testimony of dedication and determination to continue supporting all that the Association does for its members, future members, and the Mayfield community through her extraordinary monetary bequeathal of $290,000. The Mayfield Education Association is extremely grateful and blessed for her kindness and generosity, and we cannot express our gratitude enough to her for holding us dear to her heart at the end of a well-lived life. This gift means the world to the Association, its members, and all that will benefit by it. We are honored to call MaryAnn one of our own.
The money has been placed in a foundation and will fund a yearly scholarship to a Mayfield High School Senior who is pursuing a major in Education as a licensed teacher. The scholarship
recipient will receive $2,500 each year for four years for a total of $10,000, as long as they maintain a 3.00 GPA and pursue this license and/or major at an accredited university.

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