Mayfield City Schools News Article

FOCUS FORWARD MAYFIELD: Mayfield's Continuous Improvement Plan

Focus Forward - Mission/Vision/Values/Goals

MISSION - Every Student. Every Day.

VISION - Portrait of a Mayfield Wildcat


  • We believe in a focus on student achievement and growth.

  • We believe in academic excellence in all things.

  • We believe in Cutting-edge, world class pathways and programs.

  • We believe in mastery learning.


  • We believe in placing students at the center of the learning process.

  • We believe in providing customized learning based on student strengths, needs, skills, and interests.

  • We believe in providing deeper learning experiences and cultivating understanding through rigorous content.

  • We believe in All-Access Learning: Agency, Engagement, Opportunities and Outcomes.


  • A Mayfield Wildcat can cooperate with others to resolve problems and achieve goals.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can support team members by encouraging participation, listening, and empathy.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can acknowledge skills, experience, knowledge, creativity, and contributions.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can address team conflict without help from the team leader.


  • A Mayfield Wildcat can identify, define and work with authentic problems and essential questions.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can collect, assess, and analyze relevant information.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can reflect and reason effectively.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can implement innovations and generate ideas.


  • A Mayfield Wildcat can develop a strong desire to learn.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can actively explore the unknown.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can engage in the design process.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can commit to a state of wonder.


  • A Mayfield Wildcat can articulate thoughts and express ideas effectively using oral, written, visual and non-verbal communication skills.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can practice civil discourse.

  • A Mayfield Wildcat can become an active listener.


  • FAMILY: The core of how we do business. Taking care of and supporting one another while challenging each other to be the best version of ourselves.

  • LOYALTY: Commitment, trust, and respect. Supporting and fostering a shared partnership with our Mayfield Family.

  • COLLABORATION: Teamwork, inclusivity, and empowerment. Working together using each other’s strengths and talents to achieve a common goal.

  • INNOVATION: Creative, adaptability, and risk taking. Create and shift paradigms to fit the needs of our students and our people in a rapidly changing world.

  • TRADITION: Pride, stability, and culture. Pulling the best from the past and pushing forward as a guide for best practice.

  • INTEGRITY: Honesty, truthfulness, and ethics. Resilience in keeping our mission and vision at the center of our decision-making while doing what is “right” even when no one is looking.


  • We aim for no less than 100% of our students being able to demonstrate proficiency in reading and math as the foundation for all learning.

  • We aim for no less than 100% of our students being able to realize at least one year's growth as measured by the value-added progress measure.


These improvement pillars serve as the framework for organizing our work towards our goals.

  • Our Students

  • Our People

  • Our Families and Community

  • Our Operations

2024-2025 ACTION STEPS:

  • Quarterly data meetings with principals.

  • Launch and implement CAT Teams at each building. 

  • Implementing the PBIS system. 

  • Implement the Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). 

  • Implement the SEL curriculum.

  • Create a common assessment system. 

  • Reduce utility costs. 

  • Increase use of the “Find my Bus” App. 

  • Complete a comprehensive facilities and maintenance plan. 

  • Continue to practice fiscal stewardship. 

  • Implement district-wide rounding. 

  • Secure technology infrastructure. 

  • Continue to engage students, teachers, staff, parents and community and promote achievements and successes

  • Continue the application and refinement of the Wildcat Budget Design Process

  • Support staff recruitment by maintaining competitive compensation packages

  • Secure additional resources to address deficit spending

  • Utilize existing Capital Improvement (070) funds in the areas of Safety & Security, Infrastructure, and Program Enhancements

  • Continue to expand and grow Community and Family communication, support, exposure and engagement

  • Develop and install pole banners/messaging at MHS that reflect “The Mayfield Way.”

  • Develop literacy campaign and roll out (book)

  • The Mayfield Way - What Wildcats Value - Campaign and messaging

  • Expand web-based employee portals for employment decision-making and information 


  • A district internal monitoring team was proactively created in 2023-2024.  It consists of a variety of individuals from preK through CEVEC and the team has been focused on compliance and improving long-term outcomes for our students with disabilities.  

  • Commitment to expanding and diversifying the candidate pool to ensure a well-prepared and inclusive workforce.

  • Levy fact sheet communication prepared for staff and community members.

  • Superintendent Parent Advisory Council meetings to create two-way communication.

  • State of the schools, PTG/PTSO/Booster Group, conversations.

  • Pillar discussion and community coffee talks prior to school board meetings.

  • Alumni engagement efforts.

Every child in the U.S. needs 21st century knowledge and skills to succeed as effective citizens, workers, and leaders. There is a profound gap between the knowledge and skills most students learn in school and the knowledge and skills they need in typical 21st-century communities and workplaces. To successfully face rigorous higher education coursework, career challenges, and a globally competitive workforce, U.S. schools must align classroom environments with real-world environments by fusing core content with a toolbelt of skills, mindsets, and values for success in college, career, and life.
At the heart of this transformation is Mayfield City Schools which not only teaches these skills, mindsets and values, but moves our students beyond skills and knowledge acquisition through a systems approach to becoming producers and creators of knowledge. This is the true expression of deeper learning.

1. Portrait of a Wildcat: The Goal
WHY: College, Career & Life Preparation
The first step in our system is to clearly define the end goal. We aim to prepare our students for what lies beyond the school gates. Our vision isn't just focused on their immediate future such as college or their first job, but we strive to equip them for the challenges they will face throughout their lives. We want our students to be more than just savvy individuals, we want them to be balanced, well-rounded people who are capable of navigating the complexities of the 21st-century world. That is the bullseye of our "Portrait of a Wildcat".

2. Focus Forward Mayfield: The Plan
WHAT: One Plan. One Focus.
Having defined our goal, the next step is to create a continuous improvement plan that will guide us to that end. "Focus Forward Mayfield" is that plan. It is a comprehensive approach that combines various aspects of education, from curriculum to guided strategies, to extra-curricular activities and community engagement. It's not just about what we teach, but how we teach and interact with our students. This single-minded focus ensures that every aspect of our system is working towards the same goal, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of our efforts.

3. Professional Learning Communities: The Method
HOW: The way we get there.
The final piece of the puzzle is our method. We believe that learning is a community effort. By creating Professional Learning Communities (PLC), we foster a collaborative environment where everyone is invested in the education of our students. This isn't limited to just our teachers. Parents, administrators, community leaders and the students themselves are all part of the PLC. Through regular meetings and open communication, we ensure that everyone is on the same page and moving in the same direction. This collective approach not only ensures consistency in our efforts, but also allows us to draw on the strengths and expertise of our entire community.

By defining our goal, establishing a focused plan, and employing a community-based approach, we at Mayfield City Schools are working to close the gap between the skills our students learn in school and the skills they need in the 21st century. It's not just about teaching information, but about shaping individuals who are prepared for the challenges of college, career, and life. With these systems in place, we are confident that our students will not only meet the demands of the 21st century but will actively thrive in it.

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