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What, exactly, does an art docent do?

What, exactly, does an Art Docent do?

Docents are requested to give one presentation a month during the months of January through May for a total of five presentations.

Once you have received your teacher assignment and attended a training session (experienced docents do not need to attend training) you will refer to the Artist Selections page of this website. You will notice that the page is divided into five columns:

Column 1 is an alphabetical list of all the artists in the Art Docent Program. Each artist's name is in black. Looking across the row of the artist's name you will see the titles of the pieces that you will present. These are color coded by grade level. When you click on an artist's name you will be taken to the menu page of that artist.

Column 2 contains the titles of all the pieces of artwork that are assigned to Kindergarten. You will notice these are all in orange. Clicking on the title will take you to that piece's description page.

Column 3 contains the titles of all the pieces of artwork that are assigned to 1st Grade. You will notice these are all in green. Clicking on the title will take you to that piece's description page.

Column 4 contains the titles of all the pieces of artwork that are assigned to 2nd Grade. You will notice these are all in blue. Clicking on the title will take you to that piece's description page.

Column 5 contains the titles of all the pieces of artwork that are assigned to 3rd Grade. You will notice these are all in fuchsia. Clicking on the title will take you to that piece's description page. Please note that Salvador Dali has two paintings listed. They are to be presented together.

Using the information contained on the website (an email will be sent to each docent on how to use the website for his/her presentations) and your own research you will plan a presentation which will consist of a short (5-10 min) biography of the artist, a description of the artists' style (5 min), a discussion about the specific work in the curriculum (15 min), and a related art project (30 min).

(Please see the What to include in a Presentation page of the here

Contact your teacher and arrange a mutually convenient time to do your presentation. Discuss the amount of time the teacher can give you (usually one hour) and what you are planning for your project. The teacher may be able to help with supplies. Also discuss with the teacher if there is a way you can enhance any lessons his/her class is currently learning.

Each elementary school has a parent-teacher group which has budgeted money to help reimburse Art Docents for supplies. The process for reimbursement will be emailed to each docent.

Arrange for baby-sitting if needed.

Plan to arrive in plenty of time on the day of your presentation. The students and teachers count on you! Be prepared and you will enjoy yourself and the students will have fun!

PLEASE NOTE: Art Docents are not responsible for the disciplining of students. Discipline is the sole responsibility of the teacher. The teachers are expected to be available in the classroom

Questions and concerns should be sent to the art docent email address: [email protected].

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