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What to include in a presentation

What to include in a presentation

A presentation is the time spent in the classroom to teach the students about an artist and one of his/her famous works. A presentation is typically one hour long; however, you must ask the teacher how much time you will be allowed. Briefly discuss your lesson ideas with the teacher in advance of the presentation, especially the materials that will be used in the art activity (your teacher may have some of the supplies you need). Try to include as many of the five senses you can (except taste - school policy is that food cannot be given to the students): play music during activity time, do a physical activity related to the lesson, bring in items that relate to the lesson, etc... Refer to the links under each artist's name on the main page for information regarding approaches in presenting the artwork, ideas for discussion and art activities. Each artist has a page entitled “Important points to cover in a presentation." 

Each presentation should include the following information:


Artist’s biography (5-10 min)

The biography page on the website is for reference purposes. It is too detailed to use in the classroom.

Present basic information to which the students can relate.

Most of the artists in the program lived many years ago. Compare and contrast life then with life today.

Keep the information age appropriate.

If unsure about appropriate content, consult teacher.

Use a world map to show where the artists lived.

Play one of the  biography videos posted on the artist's biography  webpage.

The artist's style (5-10 min)

Each artist has a style page; use this page for reference.

 Play one of the videos posted on the srtist's style webpage.

You can use this time to show other pieces by this artist or other artists with the same style. ABSOLUTELY NO NUDITY IS TO BE PORTRAYED!


Interactive discussion about the specific work (10-20 min)

Suggestions can be found on each artwork's specific webpage.

Each elementary school has a collection of prints available for use; but not every artist’s work is available at each school. The building secretary (or janitor) should know where the prints are located. An inventory is sent via email to each docent for their particular school. Scheduling the use of the prints is up to each school’s docents. The website provides a high resolution image that can be displayed on each classroom’s projector or Smart Board.

Engage in a discussion or question and answer session with students to observe the subject matter of the artwork.

Discuss the technique and style used by the artist.

Use appropriate art terminology.


Activity related to picture or artist (30 min)

Activities may include music, writing, compositions, and creating artwork with different mediums. Use as many senses as possible. Please remember that district policy is that food cannot be given to the students.

There is a fine line between an art project and a craft. A craft is just putting pieces together as instructed. An art project will provide for creativity and self-expression.

Discuss the activity with the teacher in advance for his/her approval.


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