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Common Terms

English Learner (EL): the official term used to refer to students whose primary language is not English and whose OELPS results identify the student as not Proficient in the English language

English Language Learner (ELL): a term used to refer to students whose primary language is not English; this has been replaced by English Learner (EL) in Ohio public schools

English as a Second Language (ESL): a term primarily used to describe English language instructional programs in schools within English speaking countries; it is also used to refer to students whose primary language is not English; this has been replaced by English Learner (EL) in Ohio public schools when referring to students; many people and organizations continue to use this term, colloquially and officially, as it is still the most familiar

English as a Foreign Language (EFL): a term used to describe English language instruction in schools outside of English-speaking countries

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL): a general term that refers to ESL or EFL instruction; it is most often used to refer to professional training or accredited programs that certify individuals in teaching the English language to non-English speakers

Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA): the official assessment designated for use by the Ohio Department of Education to assess the language proficiency of EL students enrolled in Ohio public schools

Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS): the official assessment designated for use by the Ohio Department of Education to identify which newly enrolled students require EL services

New Enrollee: any student who enrolls for the first time in the Mayfield City School district

Newcomer: any newly enrolled student whose primary language is not English, who has never received formal schooling primarily in the English language, and who does not receive a Proficiency Status of Proficient on the OELPS; these students are often new to the United States or did not learn English growing up

Trial Mainstream: a designation given to students who score 4s and 5s in three domains and a 3 in one domain on the OELPA; the following year, these students are not pulled from their homerooms or content teachers' classrooms, instead, they may receive EL services on an as-needed basis

Additional Terms, Acronyms & Topics

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