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Background Checks


Ohio law requires that all individuals who work in the public schools have a baseline BCI and FBI criminal background check at the time they apply for their first Ohio educator license, certificate or permit. The BCI and FBI background checks must be no older than one year (365 days) at the time they are used for initial licensure.

Employees who are new to Mayfield City Schools must have a baseline BCI and FBI criminal background check upon hiring.

Additionally, everyone who holds a credential issued by the Ohio Department of Education must complete FBI background checks every five years. Please note that credential holders are responsible for obtaining required updated background checks within the five year timeframe prescribed by law, even if the expiration date of a background check does not coincide with the expiration date of the Department-issued credential.

Individuals fingerprinted elsewhere within the past 12 months: Applicants whose fingerprint results are on file with the Ohio Department of Education and who can provide copies of the paper results to us, may not need to be fingerprinted again. Circumstances will be reviewed on an individual basis by a District representative.

Background checks are available to current and anticipated employees of Mayfield City Schools at Central Office in the Baker Administration Building, 1101 SOM Center Rd., Mayfield Hts.

Please contact Kim Homrock or Laura Cantrell to set up an appointment at (440-995-7225).  Please bring with you, your driver’s license and we will only accept credit cards for payment.

Costs are listed below:
FBI - $28.00
BCI - $24.00

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