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Student Device Policies

Mayfield 1:1 Agreement

The mission of the 1:1 program for the Mayfield City School District is to create a collaborative learning environment through the utilization of district approved technology for all members of the educational community. This environment will enable and support students and staff to implement transformative uses of technology while enhancing students’ engagement with content and promoting the development of self-directed, responsible lifelong learners and users. Students will transition from consumers of information to creative producers and owners of knowledge.

HP Chromebook

The Mayfield City School District will be supplying students in grades 2-12 with a HP Chromebook device. This device will be the property of the district. The supplied device will provide each student access to educational materials needed for achievement during the school year. The Chromebook will allow student access to the G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education), Infinite Campus and other web-based educational tools required by the curriculum. The Chromebook is an educational tool and not intended for gaming, social media/networking or high-end computing.


The Chromebook is considered district property while the student is at school in Mayfield. Students will be able to keep their assigned devices over each summer. Upon the student's graduation or end of the Chromebook's life expectancy , the device may become the property of the student and be classified as his or her own personal device.

Important to Know

  • The life expectancy of the HP Chromebook is 4 years. The Mayfield City School District will cover the cost of the device's first repair. After this, all repairs to the Chromebook will be at the parent/guardian's expense. 
  • Web filtering – Internet access will be filtered while the student’s Chromebook is connected to Mayfield City School District provided WI-FI. Chromebooks will also have an outside policy between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. nightly (and every weekend) while the student is off campus.
  • In accordance with Board Policy 7540.03, the following categories will be restricted during the previously mentioned timeframe: Adult Content, Alcohol, Gambling, Illegal Drugs, Pornography, Nudity, Violence, and Weapons.
  • Please know that no web-filtering product is foolproof or as impactful as a conversation between a student and his or her parent/guardian about Internet Safety and the expectations of behavior while online.
  • The Mayfield City School District and its employees will not be installing software onto a student’s Chromebook that allows them to remotely turn on a webcam or microphone while using the Chromebook.
  • The Mayfield City School District is not responsible for any changes that Google makes to their system. In addition, the district will evaluate and implement any options that ensure student safety and proper educational usage.
  • Students are responsible for the general care of their Chromebooks. Chromebooks that are broken, damaged, or fail to work properly will be repaired by AGIRepair. (AGIRepair process)
  • Students are responsible for bringing completely charged Chromebooks to school each day for use in their scheduled instructional periods unless otherwise specified.

Personal Devices (B.Y.O.D)

Non-district devices will have access to wireless internet in district approved locations. These locations are designated by Public Wi-Fi Stickers.

Student Agreement (Gardes 5-12)

I have read, understand and agree to abide by the Mayfield City School District Chromebook Policies and Procedures located in the Student Handbook. Should I commit any violation or in any way misuse my Chromebook, I understand and agree that my Chromebook may be revoked and disciplinary action may be taken against me. If I am under the age of 18, I understand that when I turn 18, this Agreement will continue to be in effect and I agree to abide by this Agreement.

Parent Agreement (Grades 2-12)

As the parent or legal guardian of the above minor, I have read, understand and agree that my child shall comply with the terms of the Mayfield City School District Chromebook Policies and Procedures. I understand that the Chromebooks are a privilege and can be revoked if misused. I am signing this Policy and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the School, and the School District that provides a Chromebook to my child, against all claims, damages, losses and costs, of whatever kind, that may result from my child's use of his or her Chromebook or violation of the foregoing Policies and Procedures. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision of my child's use of his or her Chromebook if and when such access is not occurring during the school day. I hereby give permission for my child to use a Chromebook authorized by the Mayfield City School District.

Student Device Agreement

Printable copy of the student device agreement that must be signed by a parent in order for Mayfield students to receive their 1:1 device. Updated 7/9/2024
Printable copy of the student device agreement that must be signed by a parent and student in order for Mayfield students to receive their 1:1 device. Updated 7/9/2024
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