The Mayfield City Schools are committed to an educational program that recognizes the unique needs and talents of the individual student. Our Gifted Programming, an integral part of this commitment, is designed to meet the specific needs of intellectually Gifted students and Twice Exceptional students. The Gifted programming provides a structure that not only strengthens the academic abilities of gifted students but also promotes multiple opportunities for individual growth.
All Gifted students will accomplish academic growth in their area of strength. Students with High Ability will be identified and supported to reach their full potential.
Our Mission
Ensure gifted student growth and achievement through systems of support, programming and advocacy. To find students with academic potential early to nurture/develop their areas of strength.
Mayfield City Schools Gifted Webpage:
This webpage will provide a wealth of information regarding Mayfield's Gifted Identification, programming, social/emotional supports, and services for our twice exceptional students.
Mayfield conducts Grade Level Assessments to screen for potential gifted identification.
- Grade K-8: All students will be screened 3 times per year for possible gifted identification using the STAR assessment as a SCREENER and then reassessed for possible Gifted ID with the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment in Math and Reading.
- Grade 4: Ability Assessment- NNAT3 Non-Verbal Assessment (Fall) AND Creative Thinking ID
- Grade 1: Ability Assessment - NNAT3 Non-Verbal Assessment (February) AND Creative Thinking ID
In August, a Universal Permission to Test form is sent to all Parents of students in grades K-8 to provide permission for academic testing that may occur throughout the school year. These assessments provide academic data which is utilized to make placement decisions and to meet students learning needs.
Parents/Staff may submit a Referral to request assessment of a student at any time. Once the referral is received, a completed Universal Permission to Test Form is necessary to schedule the assessment. Individual assessments will not be conducted without parent/guardian permission. Mayfield's Gifted academic testing window begins August through the end of April. (Please find the Referral & Permission to Test form links in Gifted Forms).
Gifted Intervention Specialists (GIS) provide direct instruction and staff support in each of our buildings K-12.
Contact Information:
Carrie Heath
Gifted Coordinator K-12